Cambodia daries..
So much things to share that i don't know where should I start..
alright, I shall begin with why I choose Cambodia over other ocip,
Since Secondary school, under my wish list, I hope to go Cambodia to teach after I graduated from NIE.
But I received an email from YMCA and i think it's a good opportunity to go with the school instead.
And I thank God so much for this trip as it has certainly impacted me a lot.
My heart for the needy grew stronger.
As volunteers, we are seeing things beyond the eyes of a tourist.
During the trip, I realised the importance of interaction and not just fulfilling their financial or materialistic needs,,
I always think negatively that the money i spent on the air tickets and food etc can last their school fees for a year, or build more wells/ fence for them..
yes, it's true that we can help them more financially, but what they need is also our presence as well..
Spending time with them, interacting, is an action of love, never underestimate your presence, it does bring comfort to them. :)
The other things I've learnt is that u don't need tons of money and electronic advanced gadgets to be happy. A contented kid is a happy kid. :)
It is definitely more blessed to give than to receive. I'm so glad that I went for this trip.
The last thing I've learnt, is to be more forgiving when people make mistakes, because u never what they went through.. Every night for the first 11 days, we spent it at UNACAS ( an orphanage)
There's a kid named tick ko who's very attached to me since he saw me on the second day in Cambodia. He sticks to me everywhere i go and play games together. I enjoyed his companion! But once I start interacting with other kids or walk away from him, he will shout at the top of his lungs and order me to stick to him as well. Such act kinda piss me off a little and I said:" don't shout! that's very rude!"
I regretted for not being sensitive with my words, he felt hurt and walked away.. :/
Afterwards, one of my team member spoke to me and told me that he was found along the streets by the orphanage in-charge, and he was snatching food from a monkey at that point of time.
After hearing his past I felt really bad for my actions, he's still a kid. I tried talking to him afterwards, he smiled and say it's OK. :)
I guess I've learnt to be more sensitive and
i set 3 goals for myself:
serve humbly, be sincere in knowing people better and treasure the time to interact.
Before departure!

English lesson time!

This is Mr chu kok loong, one of my team member, LOL i upload this photo because the puppy is cute! xD
HAHAHA! cutest photo bomb ever! on our way for service
one of our student in the english lesson drew us angkorwart and passed to us at the last farewell lesson! touched!
Warming up for soccer
Girls cheering the guys and taking photos.. haha!
Me trying to fold a lotus into a rose
Class photo!
This is where we sleep in, we slept in the church xD
Group massage!
Service time!
Saw this in their classroom
With Nat. May God bless our friendship, have a great time fellow shipping with her
making cards for the kids
This is the friendship band that Siew moon made!
Our group performance for the kids!
David, aged 16 played hosanna by ear! So talented!
Climbing trees
Playing Lao ying chuang xiao qi with the village kids. :)
A contented kid is a happy kid
more kids!
Language barrier is not a problem when a smile is needed to bring comfort to somebody
Puppy again! So cute!!

We taught the kids a new song! "He's able"
R & R
With Xinyi and Mel. They showed me a lot of concern and help when i was sick
To angkorwart! haha! i took a lot of photos but not gonna upload it here. i'm not really a sightseeing person. :p
My buddy, Jessica
After the trip, I want to be more commited in volunteering locally...
alright, I shall begin with why I choose Cambodia over other ocip,
Since Secondary school, under my wish list, I hope to go Cambodia to teach after I graduated from NIE.
But I received an email from YMCA and i think it's a good opportunity to go with the school instead.
And I thank God so much for this trip as it has certainly impacted me a lot.
My heart for the needy grew stronger.
As volunteers, we are seeing things beyond the eyes of a tourist.
During the trip, I realised the importance of interaction and not just fulfilling their financial or materialistic needs,,
I always think negatively that the money i spent on the air tickets and food etc can last their school fees for a year, or build more wells/ fence for them..
yes, it's true that we can help them more financially, but what they need is also our presence as well..
Spending time with them, interacting, is an action of love, never underestimate your presence, it does bring comfort to them. :)
The other things I've learnt is that u don't need tons of money and electronic advanced gadgets to be happy. A contented kid is a happy kid. :)
It is definitely more blessed to give than to receive. I'm so glad that I went for this trip.
The last thing I've learnt, is to be more forgiving when people make mistakes, because u never what they went through.. Every night for the first 11 days, we spent it at UNACAS ( an orphanage)
There's a kid named tick ko who's very attached to me since he saw me on the second day in Cambodia. He sticks to me everywhere i go and play games together. I enjoyed his companion! But once I start interacting with other kids or walk away from him, he will shout at the top of his lungs and order me to stick to him as well. Such act kinda piss me off a little and I said:" don't shout! that's very rude!"
I regretted for not being sensitive with my words, he felt hurt and walked away.. :/
Afterwards, one of my team member spoke to me and told me that he was found along the streets by the orphanage in-charge, and he was snatching food from a monkey at that point of time.
After hearing his past I felt really bad for my actions, he's still a kid. I tried talking to him afterwards, he smiled and say it's OK. :)
I guess I've learnt to be more sensitive and

i set 3 goals for myself:
serve humbly, be sincere in knowing people better and treasure the time to interact.
Before departure!

Tick ko! helping out our service
English lesson time!
My favourite kid! His name is siew moon (sailor moon,, hehe!)
He's really sweet! always ask me if i want more rice, kept offering me meat and veggi, tried to copy my actions, and during farewell he went to learn and make me a friendship band! felt so touched because it is usually the girls that made friendship band,

This is Mr chu kok loong, one of my team member, LOL i upload this photo because the puppy is cute! xD
HAHAHA! cutest photo bomb ever! on our way for service
one of our student in the english lesson drew us angkorwart and passed to us at the last farewell lesson! touched!
Warming up for soccer
Girls cheering the guys and taking photos.. haha!
Me trying to fold a lotus into a rose
Class photo!
This is where we sleep in, we slept in the church xD
Group massage!
Service time!
Saw this in their classroom
With Nat. May God bless our friendship, have a great time fellow shipping with her
making cards for the kids
This is the friendship band that Siew moon made!
Our group performance for the kids!
David, aged 16 played hosanna by ear! So talented!
Climbing trees
Playing Lao ying chuang xiao qi with the village kids. :)
A contented kid is a happy kid
more kids!
Language barrier is not a problem when a smile is needed to bring comfort to somebody
Puppy again! So cute!!

One more!
During their kids serviceWe taught the kids a new song! "He's able"
R & R
With Xinyi and Mel. They showed me a lot of concern and help when i was sick
To angkorwart! haha! i took a lot of photos but not gonna upload it here. i'm not really a sightseeing person. :p
My buddy, Jessica
After the trip, I want to be more commited in volunteering locally...