

When the earth shakes, we look to our feet and wonder what it is that we are standing on?  When darkness seems to hide His face;  In every high and stormy gale;  Through the storm;  My anchor holds.  It is a desire to place emphasis on Jesus and a prayer that people everywhere - regardless of circumstance - will be encouraged to find hope in Christ, the Cornerstone.

Mission isn't solely humanitarian work

"I don't study to know more, but to ignore less" -  Juana InĂ©s de la Cruz While Jesus was preaching the good news to all, he also showed throughout his ministry the particular interest in the poor and those who fall through the cracks. He "moved in" with the poor. He lived with, ate with and associated the the socially ostracised (Matt 9:13). Mission includes helping people but it isn't solely about meeting needs. If that so, we would be frustrated as we simply cannot meet all the needs in this world. We should not go solely because we want to help people. It is not merely about doing good, but we go with the core reason that Jesus is worthy.  Mission exist for places where worship doesn't. Though it is a good thing to fill gaps and rebuild bridges, the core is still to share the good news - with a vision of Revelation 7: 9; a great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language worshiping Him, extending His kingdom because He is worthy.  It can...

I set my mind

 I set my mind on you lord I choose you every time Focus my mind on you Lord and dedicate my life Here I am use me Come into my life I wanna be more like Jesus Till the end of time

How am I treating my family today?

Recently there have been a few conversations with friends on how to text an opposite gender, the boundaries and trying to dissect the text on what's too much and the underlying meaning the other person could have meant.  "Do not awaken love until it so desires.. " Though a mindless convo very often has no ill intent, I think is important to check our heart on this. Are your conversation or actions stems from a place where you do not know yet how to deal with your loneliness?  To be very honest and open here, there were times my playful nature has carelessly caused hurt and disappointments to the opposite gender in my younger days. I have since repented and am still growing and being watchful in this area too. Boundaries aren't meant to look like a legalistic set of rules on the "Dos and Donts". It has a lot to do with our heart's intent.  Are our actions potentially leading another person on when we aren't even sure about them?  Speaking from a sis...

The uncertainty of life

“When clouds are heavy, the rains come down.  Whether a tree falls north or south, it stays where it falls.  Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant.  If they watch every cloud, they never harvest.” ‭‭ Ecc 11:3-4 Like the cloud that's filled with water, they do not hoard it up or keep it to themselves, but plentifully pour it for the refreshment on both the fruitful field and of the barren wilderness. A tree that falls,  either by the violence of the wind or being cut down by its owner's order,  it would not matter whether it falls southward or northward, for there it lies ready for the master's use. So is our kind deeds towards people, we are not certain whether the person really need or is worthy of our charity. It may  possibly be misapplied or even abused by the receiver. However, what is being conscientiously given by you, it shall assuredly return to you, and you shall reap the fruit of it. The tree stays where it falls, ready ...

All I am, I give it back to You

  I recall that divine conversation I had with my mum last Sunday, something I give thanks for and would wanna word it down.  My mum shared with me her going through dark and difficult days as a child, and I’ve shared with her mine as well, and how Jesus is so real in my life and I really appreciate what He did for me and how he has helped me at my lowest. Then I told her.. Ma.. I wanna live my life for the people out there who are going through difficult times but have no hope. Are u okay with that? I’m sorry that I will disappoint u because I’m not going for a high paying job when u have worked so hard to send me to university.  She responded that it is okay, for I don’t need u to earn big bucks, but I just want u to grow up and do the right thing.  That really broke me and we both cried. Praise God for moving and paving the way for me and my family, giving me the conviction to say yes and go.  Hearing from Uncle Johnny yesterday and his dedication to Christ a...

Seek first His kingdom and righteousness

To seek first the Kingdom of His righteousness, and just as God's word promised, everything that we needed will be given unto us.  In all honestly, as much as I am willing to live this one and only life fully for Him, I am also feeling fearful of what is ahead of me.  Sometimes my biggest struggle is not where I should go or what I should do, but it's being more like you.  I could no longer serve both God and money. My young adult life revolved around feeling secure with my job, finances, future marriage, my parents' expectation of me living the Singaporean dream, and my personal enjoyment. Well, these are not bad things and a part of me wants some sort of control and answers to my future. Taking that huge step of faith to forgo my career is foolishness in the eyes of the world, but I was determined in my heart that He is true, and He is really the Lord of my life. I was drawn by His love and what He has done in my life, the gift of salvation, hope for the future and...