
Showing posts from March, 2021

I set my mind

 I set my mind on you lord I choose you every time Focus my mind on you Lord and dedicate my life Here I am use me Come into my life I wanna be more like Jesus Till the end of time

How am I treating my family today?

Recently there have been a few conversations with friends on how to text an opposite gender, the boundaries and trying to dissect the text on what's too much and the underlying meaning the other person could have meant.  "Do not awaken love until it so desires.. " Though a mindless convo very often has no ill intent, I think is important to check our heart on this. Are your conversation or actions stems from a place where you do not know yet how to deal with your loneliness?  To be very honest and open here, there were times my playful nature has carelessly caused hurt and disappointments to the opposite gender in my younger days. I have since repented and am still growing and being watchful in this area too. Boundaries aren't meant to look like a legalistic set of rules on the "Dos and Donts". It has a lot to do with our heart's intent.  Are our actions potentially leading another person on when we aren't even sure about them?  Speaking from a sis...