
Showing posts from November, 2020

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news

There are 26 Children's/ Residential Home in Singapore. Over 3000+ children/youths that are residing and cared for in an out-of-home environment. Some may have been there for years.  My family may not be perfect, but I have experienced the warmth and rewards of it. I do not have to worry about my 3 meals and physical safety. I am blessed with a sheltered roof over my head, toys to play with in my childhood and a loving environment that I feel emotionally safe and valued.  These 3000+ children admitted are those who are either from dysfunctional families and in need of shelter, abused or neglected. Most are in need of care and protection. For those beyond parental control or in conflict with the law, they are in need of guidance and care. Behind every single number on screen, is a life with potential. One that He has a purpose for and gave His life for. One with a story to tell, and a breakthrough to proclaim.  Though I may not be able to be on the ground wi...

A single eye

Lord, help me to be contented at exactly where I am now. The best years to serve u.  Singleness, simplicity, is required of me.  One  treasure, a  single eye , and a sole Master! I always thought a single eye is about single-mindedness towards the Lord. The only time a single eye is mentioned is in Matthew 6:22,  ”The light of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light. But if your eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness! No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” It makes perfect sense in the Hebrew context, where an idiom describes a single  eye to mean being generous, while an evil eye is being stingy. Which is why in Matthew they elaborated that if your eye be single, your body will be...

The repairer of the breach

  “And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt;  you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;  you shall be called the repairer of the breach,  the restorer of streets and homes to dwell in.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭58:12‬ ‭ESV‬ Being a repairer of the breach requires more than a rebuild. It requires strengthening the area where the breach occurred. A breach is a gap in a wall, barrier, or defense. In warfare or agriculture, a breach is a place where the enemy comes in to destroy or where the sheep break out and get lost. It’s that one weak spot in the levy that gives way to the flood. It doesn’t take much digging to discover that a home is to be maintained, and that includes repairing breaches.  The rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem in Nehemiah all teach us about how and why we are to rebuild what has been breached. And sometimes, with opposition, we must rebuild with a sword in one hand and our tools in the other (Neh4:17) I’ll repair the beach of broken families,...