
Showing posts from February, 2020

Peace in a rocking boat

I will be still and know You are God Feeling all flustered and restless today. Pretty overwhelmed by all that is happening. Disgusted by how ugly my heart can be at times, in loving people that are difficult to love, in being patient for people who does not want to grow, and being upset towards insincere and bitter people who wasted the times of those who cares. I long to be more like Him, and that means partnering with Him, having discipline is His word and being in His presence, it means to pray. Jesus will not always look at how time is wasted when ministry is seemingly fruitless. Let us not become weary in doing good, for we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. My boat is rocking, but i can be still, and know that even in my weaknesses, He is still God. He is still in control. and i got Jesus in that rocking boat with me. Learning to love myself more in times as such, that I am still a work in progress too. In ministry with God, it is not all about efficiency, but sl...


我的神,我要永远在你的怀里。 爱慕你,屈膝在你面前。 单单敬拜你,我渴慕你, 我敬拜你,我的主。 我深爱的唯一。耶稣 耶稣我灵最深渴慕。 耶稣哦,耶稣你医治我心深处 喔耶稣 喔耶稣 祢喜悦我向祢歌颂 高举双手 全心敬拜祢 我要一生敬拜祢 在祢殿中瞻仰祢荣美 在祢丰盛恩典中我欢欣歌颂 在祢救恩盼望中 我灵不住快乐 活着为要敬拜祢 活着为要全心来爱祢 俯伏在祢荣耀中 祢的荣美 无人能及 活着为要敬拜祢 活着为要全心来爱祢 永远住在祢殿中 昔在今在永在的主 我爱祢 喔 我爱祢 喔 全心敬拜祢 日夜不停歌唱 哈利路亚 我爱祢