
Showing posts from November, 2019

Missions isn't about bringing people to the nations “I discovered then that missions is not about doing something for God, but… discovering who God is in the nation,” Chean said.  "If you think missions is about bringing Jesus to the nations, you’re wrong. Because Jesus is already there.”“Missions is about cultivating a friendship with God,”  Chean said, "our driving force for missions should be our love for God. The work of the nations is driven by your love for God and not the needs of the world. If you look at the slums and see their needs, I tell you, you will just give up." “God won’t do anything without first having a chat with us. That’s why missions is about walking with Jesus, cultivating a friendship with Him, learning to listen to Him and then doing exactly what he wants us to do. “The Lord confides in those who fear Him; He makes His covenant known to them.” ( Psalm 25:14 ) Are we someone God can confide in?

Own the palace else it owns you

Mordecai appeals to the idea of vocation. Unless you use your clout, your credentials, and your money in service to the people outside the palace, the palace is a prison, it has already given you your name. Sometimes we may think we have been given little and are always striving for more, but we have been given much, and God has called us to put it into play. It is natural to root your identity in your position in the palace, to rest your security in the fact that you have a certain measure of control over the variables in your life; to find your significance in having clout in certain circles. But if you are unwilling to risk your place in the palace for your neighbors, the palace owns you. Idolatry has power over our actions because it has power over our hearts. When we set our hope on an idol in this way, we are saying to ourselves " if I had that, it would fix everything, then i'd feel my life really had value." or "If I have to let go of what I have, all that...

Yet not I

What gift of grace is Jesus my redeemer There is no more for heaven now to give He is my joy, my righteousness, and freedom My steadfast love, my deep and boundless peace To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus For my life is wholly bound to His Oh how strange and divine, I can sing: all is mine! Yet not I, but through Christ in me The night is dark but I am not forsaken For by my side, the Saviour He will stay I labour on in weakness and rejoicing For in my need, His power is displayed To this I hold, my Shepherd will defend me Through the deepest valley He will lead Oh the night has been won, and I shall overcome! Yet not I, but through Christ in me No fate I dread, I know I am forgiven The future sure, the price it has been paid For Jesus …

Kops muse

"Yes, maybe as a manager I should think more and worry more about the goals we conceded, but I couldn’t care less, to be honest. F or development, it’s the most important thing that you react in the right way. There’s a perfect football game all these boys can play, but a rather difficult game is what we have to make them ready for. It was a difficult football game and they worked their socks off and played their soul on the pitch. I really loved it. " - Jurgen Kloops I like how Kloops sees it. A tough match is the training field for the boys to be ready for what Kloops sees in them. He looks at their spirit of excellence, more than just the goals. It kinda translates well who we can be and for what we are toiling for too... :) 

Partnership at work

Most of us start our careers with enthusiasm and anticipation for what the future will hold. But when you add in the inevitable disappointments, failures, interpersonal tension, and unrealistic demands, suddenly work feels more like a jail sentence than the key to freedom. Viewing work without God can have this effect on even the most passionate men and women. Learning to let my focus move from self to others as I being praying quietly for those around me. Prayer points: 1. coworkers will come to know and follow Jesus. 2. those who do follow Jesus will boldly lead change in the workplace. 3. coworkers that I'm comfortable with and the ones that aren't so easy to love. 4. Pray for my workplace. 5. Pray for myself, that God will ignite a fire in me to go that extra mile, to care more, and to work more diligently. I believe in being excellent at work, listening well, praying quietly, and encouraging others creates the foundation for a spiritual community in the workplace. It is ...