Missions isn't about bringing people to the nations
https://thir.st/blog/missions-joseph-chean-fopx-conference/ “I discovered then that missions is not about doing something for God, but… discovering who God is in the nation,” Chean said. "If you think missions is about bringing Jesus to the nations, you’re wrong. Because Jesus is already there.”“Missions is about cultivating a friendship with God,” Chean said, "our driving force for missions should be our love for God. The work of the nations is driven by your love for God and not the needs of the world. If you look at the slums and see their needs, I tell you, you will just give up." “God won’t do anything without first having a chat with us. That’s why missions is about walking with Jesus, cultivating a friendship with Him, learning to listen to Him and then doing exactly what he wants us to do. “The Lord confides in those who fear Him; He makes His covenant known to them.” ( Psalm 25:14 ) Are we someone God can confide in?