
Showing posts from November, 2016

Be still (Psalm 46:10)

God is our refuge  and strength,      an ever-present  help  in trouble.   Therefore we will not fear,  though the earth give way      and the mountains fall  into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar  and foam      and the mountains quake  with their surging.   There is a river  whose streams  make glad the city of God,      the holy place where the Most High  dwells.   God is within her,  she will not fall;      God will help  her at break of day.   Nations  are in uproar,  kingdoms  fall;      he lifts his voice,  the earth melts.   The  Lord  Almighty  is with us;      the God of Jacob  is our fortress.   Come and see what the  Lord  has done,      the desolation...

Love anyway

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8 No matter how edifying I've tried, speaking life instead of death, I've come to realize if people are broken, it is hard for them receive the love you give so freely. But love anyway. That's what Jesus did. For some, loving is tough as there stands the risk of getting hurt when love is offered with a sincere heart. However, that's self-preservation, and isn't selfless. "You love until there is pain, you love through the pain, until all that remains is love. "  ~Mother Theresa In the moment, Mother Teresa’s paradox is hard for me to understand. When my love is pushed and challenged, the last thing I want to do is love more. And while these moments, these tests of love can be painful, the hurt is temporary. The hurt is short-lived, relatively speaking. The hurt will eventually dissipate once we decide the person we choose to ...