
Showing posts from July, 2016

None of us make it into life, or through life on our own

Parables of talent, taking risk to face fear will lead to growth. Control. Is there anything harder to release from our grasping hands? I've waged war with the issue of control in my own life and yet I still have to tell my heart to "let it go" and allow God to be fully in charge, especially when wrong is done to me. But to risk disappointment is better than to have no hope at all, because to risk disappointment is to let faith arise and take over. And as I claim all Your promises, somehow I know in my spirit that You won't disappoint. Don't just have hope, an inward desire, but also faith, an outward demonstration. Faith is made complete by what we did God would never, ever actually ask someone to do this, stops it all, and says, “You passed the test.  You’ve shown your faith.  I’m providing a sacrifice.  There’s a ram over in the thicket bushes.  Go sacrifice that ram.  You’ve been obedient.  I can bless you.”And here’s how James describes the ...

Little faith will bring the soul to heaven, but much faith will bring heaven to the soul

"Don't you desire a relationship?" One's immense desire to get a life partner isn't out of the norm, but this question  raised by a brother caught me off guard. I looked away, reciting in my mind Matthew 6:33, with his question kept me thinking what exactly my desire should be. Don't get me wrong, having such desires aren't wrong.. I learnt that delights in Christ brings desire for Christ. He gives the heart its desires- that is, he works in us (Philip 2:13) . This is why he can say in john 15:7 you shall ask what you will, if you abide. the branch takes its sap from the vine, the same surges the vine feels hen become the surges of the branch. My will becomes his, and i can ask what i will, if i delight myself in him, only then can my desire be attained, when it is his desire.   God knows the desire of our heart, and he wants to be our desire. All i have asked has not been given, and the fathers withholding has served only to intensify my desires. he...

Shadow of the Almighty

Fresh thoughts come, and I have failed to record them, so now they are gone.  Last month was a time of transition, while feeling rather sad to say goodbye to the Uni ministry that grew me to who I am today, I am entering and taking up new challenges in the transition grads group. In merely 2 weeks I have taken and seen so much of God, or perhaps this is just a glimpse of it.  It's been a while to be so filled in the spirit through fellowship. True fellowship is like 2 mild lit candles that were initially far apart. As they share life, the closeness between them unintentionally caused their flame to touch one another, feeling encouraged and refreshed. Fellowship isn't suppose to be structured and rigid, where people are far apart and we have to intentionally lit the candles up with a lighter. The stirring emotions within me when I speak with like-minded people, it is more than just iron sharpening iron, but is that moment when Jonathan met David, someone who is run...