my first test result.
haiz.. kinda downcast to get a C for my first gek1006 test.. :( I've spent a lot of effort in it.. and it accounts for as high as 20% for my total marks! after spending time with God, I realise that this 20% could be a test from God in Honesty and security in Christ. Sometimes I find it hard to tell people the truth about my grades cause I'm afraid that people will judge. but God assure me not to be scared of man but Him. rather to be righteous before God than to be acceptable by people. Unlike the past, now I can freely tell people like chengteng and wenmin that I got a C for this test, is really a breakthrough for me! I used to find it hard to share results especially when I didn't do that well. (: Lastly, God reminded me that through His grace, he has brought me here thus far. From a rebellious kid in secondary school, getting in fights, worse express class, a student with no motivation in studies at all, to now a place in NUS, striving to give my best to HONOUR G...