
Showing posts from May, 2013

Cambodia daries..

So much things to share that i don't know where should I start.. alright, I shall begin with why I choose Cambodia over other ocip, Since Secondary school, u nder my wish list, I hope to go Cambodia to teach after I graduated from NIE. But I received an email from YMCA and i think it's a good opportunity to go with the school instead. And I thank God so much for this trip as it has certainly impacted me a lot. My heart for the needy grew stronger. As volunteers, we are seeing things beyond the eyes of a tourist. During the trip, I realised the importance of interaction and not just fulfilling their financial or materialistic needs,, I always think negatively that the money i spent on the air tickets and food etc can last their school fees for a year, or build more wells/ fence for them.. yes, it's true that we can help them more financially, but what they need is also our presence as well.. Spending time with them, interacting, is an action of love, never underes...