
Showing posts from May, 2021

Mission isn't solely humanitarian work

"I don't study to know more, but to ignore less" -  Juana Inés de la Cruz While Jesus was preaching the good news to all, he also showed throughout his ministry the particular interest in the poor and those who fall through the cracks. He "moved in" with the poor. He lived with, ate with and associated the the socially ostracised (Matt 9:13). Mission includes helping people but it isn't solely about meeting needs. If that so, we would be frustrated as we simply cannot meet all the needs in this world. We should not go solely because we want to help people. It is not merely about doing good, but we go with the core reason that Jesus is worthy.  Mission exist for places where worship doesn't. Though it is a good thing to fill gaps and rebuild bridges, the core is still to share the good news - with a vision of Revelation 7: 9; a great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language worshiping Him, extending His kingdom because He is worthy.  It can...