
Showing posts from February, 2016


Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.-Matt. 5:5 The meek man is not a human mouse afflicted with a sense of his own inferiority. Rather he may be in his moral life as bold as a lion and as strong as Samson; but he has stopped being fooled about himself. He has accepted God's estimate of his own life. He knows he is as weak and helpless as God has declared him to be, but paradoxically, he knows at the same time that he is in the sight of God of more importance than angels. In, himself, nothing; in God, everything. He knows well that the world will never see him as God sees him and he has stopped caring. He rests perfectly content to allow God to place His own values. He will be patient to wait for the day when everything will get its own price tag and real worth will come into its own. Then the righteous shall shine forth in the Kingdom of their Father. He is willing to wait for that day. ~ A.W. Tozer Let us examine our burden. It is altogether an interio...

I Just Want You

I just want You more than anything else in the world. Help me to chose you all the time. To remember you. To love you. To love you above all else. There's no greater love than yours, nothing else could ever compare.  You are all I need It took more than my strength To simply be still To seek but never find All the answer I've been looking for The reasons I doubt And why do loved ones have to die? But You love me anyway It’s like nothing in life that I’ve ever known Yes, You love me I am a thorn in Your crown But You love me anyway I am the sweat from Your brow But You love me anyway I am the nail in Your wrist But You love me anyway I am Judas’ kiss But You love me anyway See now, I am the man who yelled out from the crowd For Your blood to be spilled on this earth shaking ground Yes then I turned away with the smile on my face With this sin in my heart tried to bury Your grace And then alone in the night I still called...
Our purpose on earth is not to get lose in the dark in our journey through life. But to be a beacon of light so that others may find the way