
Showing posts from August, 2014

There is only one thing harder from living the christian life. love this song; Sinking deep. :D Received another book from Jeanette! My take-away from it.. Nothing wrong with excelling, but if it begins to twist you, then it's a temptation. My life was to be more than cars or keeping up with others. Going for missions meant no spending money that would make us richer than the islanders If you get proud, God cant use you. confession to man brings humility and unity and makes a repetent person ready to receive God's healing of mind, emotion and body. Living the Christian life is difficult, there is only one thing harder--> that's not being a Christian. Guidance is first of all a relationship with the Guide. it is to lead us to a closer relationship with Jesus. There is nothing wrong with tools, but its sad if the tools ever supersede the lord himself. This is what hearing God is all about, getting to know him better. 1. Ask him to help you silence your thoughts and desires and th...

blessings to remember!

modules given by God. Mdis friend peiling gave me back to school welfare pack 2 prologue freshies came for immeasurable service! Prayed for my second sis to get a job, and her coming to church. How I can forgive my sister . She loves me back through 2014 birthday, she gave me a bookmark and a pen. He healed my eyes during CNY visit! I lost my nric and supernaturally found it from my colleague ! Liwei blessed me with dinner and pancakes! God bless me with tiny snacks at HQ or mdis whenever im hungry God gave me Jenny!

My new sheep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG so exciting! new sheep, so honour to serve you God, and take care of your kids. Thank you for giving me this privilege. So excited to see how you're going to grow Meiyen :) We met for our very first shepherding at Jalan Sultan~ Felt like a tourist with her. HAHA!

perks of holiday

Catch up with Jiexin after not meeting her for months! Went to November 8 at upper Thomson and also salted caramel icecream shop! YUM!     Special service; immeasurable! Eunice came to hope church for her very first time! joined the Kaplan lg for dinner :D and met my dear sheep Liwei for shepherding before service! Super love the icecream flavour, peanut butter(I think) and chocolate!

Making Jesus Lord

Everything we have is given to us by God for a time, to use for his glory. laying down my rights is a key to winning major battles with the formidable forces of satan. The only way to conquer us to submit. Jesus has shown it. We have nothing that he hasn't given us. When we freely give to Him, it is bcas we want to show Him our love. God owns all the earth, the universe, but when we give Him what he has blessed us with, the expression of our love brings joy to his father heart. Give up something good and receive something of greater value; give up your rights/life and receive greater privileges with God. you do the possible, God will do the impossible. If he be God and died for me, No sacrifice too great can be For me, a mortal man, to make; I'll do it all for Jesus' sake. If you are living in the will of God, you are a missionary on the job wherever you work. There was a women sent from God whose name was Geraldine Ruth You don't need a call--> you...