
Showing posts from May, 2014

hope conference (continued)

DEVOTION DAY 7 The spirit's conviction There had always been a dividing wall between the Jews and Gentiles. It was unthinkable for Peter to take the first step to cross over the wall of division to minister to the Gentiles. Upon arriving, Peter was welcomed by the centurion. The centurion shared about how God gave specific instructions on where to find Peter. He then invited Peter to share God’s message to the large gathering in the house. After hearing from the centurion, Peter’s heart became convicted by the Holy Spirit that God welcomed both the Jews and Gentiles, and “does not show favoritism but accepts all men from every nation that fear him and do what is right.” (Acts 10:34-35) In the same way, either due to our culture, our upbringing or our personal prejudices, we sometimes set up a dividing wall between ourselves and those whom God loves. At times, it is even difficult to believe that God will send us to breakthrough that dividing wall to welcome those whom He loves in...

hope conference: ACTS

My very first hope conference! :) Devotion day 1 No believer can bring a sinner to the place of faith and decision. Only the Spirit Himself can (John 6:44, 16:6-11). It is however, every believer’s privilege to be able to help a sinner to the place of faith through the enablement of the Spirit. No matter where we live or how ordinary we think we are, it is the Spirit who empowers us to be the kind of witnesses Christ called us to be. The Holy Spirit is still working. Partner with Him so that you can be the witness Christ called you to be today! Devotion Day 2 The miracle of the holy spirit  The ability to break out in tongues after we are baptised in the Holy Spirit is God’s assurance of His living power in us. Holy Spirit baptism may seem like a private encounter to each believer but in fact, its impact goes far beyond the individual. To those who are outside the church, the power of the Holy Spirit is obvious. In the Book of Acts, many were drawn to the message of Christ becau...