
Showing posts from December, 2013


Whoa! the best sem I spent with God. Haha! I think every sem God will never fails to give me a breakthrough and something new to try.. Take up the role as a shepherd and exam HQ praise lead. Omg, super insecure please but in the end still took up the role to serve, haha! quite thank God that I didn't choose avoidance, trust in Him like how He trust in me! Really hope that Sabrina and Steffen's stay in Singapore had caused them to drew nearer to God, their visit to our Church is definitely not a coincidence! Jiajia is gonna start asking me to lead worship next sem.. OMG!!!! ok Geraldine, don't reject her ok?? rmb what God says about serving?! everybody has their first time! cui nevermind but God loves a cheerful giver! (: What did you want to do for God in your NUS ministry? is to give back to God isn't it? so give cheerfully by serving! That is the attitude that pleases God! Anyway, some past memories in year two sem one I'm gonna miss.. A new member in our LG! ...


a very short camp but impacted me quite a lot! was quite down on day 1 when my mum and sis are angry with me for not holding joss sticks The night games all the way till 3am seems to exacerbate my emotions.. but thank God I have supportive LG to bring me through this, and an understanding sheep to be a listening ear and prayed for me. Some take-away from the camp.. 1) Relationship with God is not completely active as God is taking initiative as well and it is not completely passive as well! True Christianity is about how much we obey, not how much we know.. When we serve, is not about we shine, but is about He shines. God ask us to serve people is not about doing it super zai, when u avoid, we push away the trust God has in us. Be faithful, it is their free will to reject God, but we must be faithful in sowing seeds. 2) in my future teaching career: Don't aim to shine or take part in politics! Be humble, just do your own job. Grade for teachers? isn't that a worldly stan...