
Showing posts from January, 2013

Spring clean!

Spring clean at Toa payoh with the YMCA peeps! My first time doing this at other people house, a meaningful experience though there are screaming here and there due to lizards and cockroaches.. HAHAHA! Something that really impact me is the heart of people.. When i started volunteering alone at AMK, there were no young people around my age. and when i bring my friends along, they couldn't commit. They does have a heart for needy, but i guess time maybe an issue. I thought is really hard to find someone like-minded that has a heart to volunteer. But wait till i joined YMCA, my whole perspective changed.. Tis society is definitely full of nice people everywhere! I found people that has a lot of experience in fund raising, go for 3 to 4 times of OCIP, commit to volunteer in spring clean, guitar coaching and ycamps. People like Zhi Chao, Daniel and a lot more Especially though today spring cleaning session, I leart a lot from them and was really hearten...
God wants you to know that ... love has already found you.   So much time has been spent trying to make yourself lovable. Trying to make yourself more attractive, more interesting. But love has already found you, perfect and pure love. Rest assured that God loves you just the way you are.