
Showing posts from September, 2012


Touched that Merly brought me Vitamins and prepare Study pack for everyone in the lg. @ the same time, she need to do a video, and practice worship. Thank God for her. :) Wee Keong faced objection from his parent yet he remained so faithful to God. Thank God for him too.    


so many things, so little time... played praise for the first time during LG, had spent a lot of the time to practice, but I'm really glad to serve God. Friday was the OG outing and I clashed NTU lecture with karen and Zhilin. Sat volunteer at ang mokio, rush to texile for katerina-farewell, and then go service at 5. Have to leave early at 6 then rush to chinese garden to celebrate zhong qiu jie with secondary school friends. thurs, fri and sat are burn. Did some studying on sun but not productive, very distracted and keep walking around the house, thinking about other things. Really need to have self-control and get things done. learnt this during QT, do not be weary in doing good. Always rmb to help those in need. Which is why i insisted on going volunteering despite having exams next week. Am i too friendly? haha! Sky totally ignored me when i encouraged her in FB. Guess some people are just not more reserved.. lastly, have to constantly remind myself to b...

collection 2! with behind the scences

With Jia Xuan, OMG SHE's ONLY 14?! merly! so chio! Yup! u guessed it correctly, in the toilet. haha! tired me... We had a great time! Thank God that sales are getting better xD


I've just got back my CA bio results. I've got 12 over 15, above average. This is really something I didn't expect and is a good testimony to share with my friends.. It was a Wednesday 30 minutes paper. Tuesday i still felt quite guilty going to Fira house for Hari Raya and went for Netball at night. But I really enjoy myself on Tuesday. It was so fun. Besides burning my Tuesday, the week before, i burned out my Saturday to volunteer with my sister, have family dinner and going for service. At first I was really worried but God gave me peace and assures me that he will always provide. Thank you God for your grace that though i don't have time to study as much as the others due to church commitment, he still continues to be faithful and blessed me with results that are enough for me to do well. What he gave will always be enough. Not more, not less. Always remember Geraldine, while u have your own troubles and problems in life, there are other souls that...


It's been a month since I starts school. The first few weeks were okay, when the tests and assignments starts coming in, still able to cope and stuff. Best part is the CCA, following your passion in what u like. I really Love Soccer... but well.. some sacrifices are necessary for his kingdom, I know i wont regret it. Great thing about uni: u can schedule your own timetable, which makes me have a free day every Tuesday. However, there's no a "class thingy" anymore. Friends come & go.. may not always hang out together especially after u finish that module. My objectives everyday, love my neighbour as myself, and influence people to be nice. Anw, really touched by one of my friend Jos that she adopted a wish for the needy kids! haha! ZheRui even tried to avoid the booth.. was quite disappointed. Learnt in service that everytime we turn ourself away from doing good deeds, our hearts get harden and oneday, we will no longer have compassion towards need...