
Showing posts from July, 2012

CHURCH UNI CAMP 2012: + His Generation

The camp is really fun and I learnt so much from it. The teachings really struck me and i hope to apply them to my Uni life soon. 1. HOLY Set apart for God, have integrity. Rather be stupid in society's eyes but righteous in God's eyes. Grades are important but they are not everything. Do not over pursue grades as your life in Uni is much more than this. 2. IMMOVABLE. How to stand firm as a christian, not to be shaken by obstancles and challenges. No matter in bad or good times, always remember God is always good. Plan to prosper u, never to harm. 3. SENT Love this teaching a lot. We are the sent generation. Remeber how God has changed me to a better person and gave me such a great life with love? A lot more people needs such unconditional love as well. We are being sent to share the gospel. We are being placed in this particular uni and course for a reason. My new LG, NUS B1 To celebrate our LG half month birthday! We are his generation.

TLG outing at USS!!

Woah! my third time in USS! quite sad that Kai yang and Shi Jun can't join us. HAHA! just nice got 6 boys and 6 girls. Yesterday was really super fun and I enjoyed the rides. Finally got a chance to try the blue and red roller coaster rides. Not as bad as i think it would be. xD   With the girls TLG rui jun NUS B1! HAHA! Weihong so cute here. waiting for the ride.. Love this picture! While waiting for Isaac to join us.. With Ying Xuan and Xin Jie! During lunch. Brenda and WenMin Before the Transformer ride LOL!! RUi JUN! With Daniel James..   Clarence Xin Jie THE SIX. Before heading to Vivocity~ HAHA! after getting wet during the water ride

Dinner with Fira

at lot one. glad that we're gonna be studying in the same faculty.. :)

New Lg NUSB1

We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. Lighten up and play. Remember, I am God's child, so it's ok to be silly, be curious, be fun. Didn't get to know them more but i'm really happy to be in this family of God.