TLG; transition lifegroup

been always wanting to blog about them. Many people said that TLG will not be as bonded as it only last for 2 months, from april till june, until they get their university place. However, really thank God how every individual in the LG took effort to know one another more within such a short time and plan outings like almost every week! Now coming to an end of June, I'm being restructured to NUSB1, my new LG, I am going to miss them so much. They taught me how to be humble, that there is not such thing as self-superior or self-inferior in the house of God, taught me how to be more selfless and a blessing to others by taking intiative to pray and to bless others with Gong Cha and Lao Ban, travel all the way to their workplace and bring food to them. Never wanna forget this life lesoon, and hope that as we proceed to different universities, we will still keep in contact and be reminded of God's grace.. Left to right: me, merly, wei hong, brenda, jun liang, eunice, dani...